Telemarketing versus telesales – telemarketing tips and advice

Do you use the telephone to promote your products / services? Most businesses do, in one form or another. Here is some telemarketing tips and advice. Firstly, let's begin with some definitions: * Telemarketing: using the telephone to educate customers, arrange free trials or schedule sales meetings * Telesales: selling products / services directly over the phone Many business people don't like using the phone to sell. They tell me that they get nervous, become tongue tied and don't enjoy the experience. This is quite normal, after all, most of us don't enjoy rejection, do we? In order to use the telephone better, The Marketing Compass suggests the following strategies: 1. Ensure that you are working with a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, as you will then have 'all of your contacts in one place'. 2. Within your CRM, divide prospective customers up into market segments, as it's easier to call a 'group of people with shared needs' within one session, than it is...
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